For the bike travel nerds and those that generally find counting things fun, here are several things that I counted on my trip.
- Total distance pedaled from New Haven, CT to Seaside, OR: 4259 mi (6854 km)
- Total days of riding: 68
- Average distance per day: 62.6 mi (100.7 km)
- Number of centuries: 4
- Number of bicycle crashes: 0
- Approximate food calories burned: 169,000 (equivalent in energy to about 5.5 gallons of gasoline)
- States ridden: Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington & Oregon (12 total)
- Great Lakes encountered: 5
- Oceans encountered: 2
- Besides locals, I met people from: Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, France, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Arizona, Arkansas, Maryland, Vermont & Massachusetts.
- Wildlife encountered:
Red fox
North American porcupine
Eastern gray squirrel
Eastern fox squirrel
Red squirrel
Eastern chipmunk
White-tailed deer
Cottontail rabbit
American mink
Common raccoon
Striped skunk
North American beaver
Big brown bat
Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
Richardson's ground squirrel
Black-tailed prairie dog
Mule deer
Bighorn sheep
Columbian ground squirrel
Wild turkey
Turkey vulture
Great blue heron
Baltimore oriole
Great horned owl (heard)
Red-winged blackbird
American crow
American goldfinch
Common yellowthroat
Canada goose
Herring gull
Ring-billed gull
Barn swallow
Common loon
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Blue jay
Red-tailed hawk
Great egret
Ruffed grouse
American robin
Common grackle
Mourning dove
Red-bellied woodpecker
Mute swan
Northern cardinal
Rock pigeon
Black-capped chickadee
Sandhill crane
Red-breasted grosbeak
Eastern towhee
Brown-headed cowbird
Eastern bluebird
Bald eagle
Song sparrow
Yellow warbler
Eastern kingbird
Hairy woodpecker
White-breasted nuthatch
Chipping sparrow
Brown thrasher
Barred owl (heard)
Upland sandpiper
Pileated woodpecker
Northern raven
Double-crested cormorant
Northern flicker
Red-shouldered hawk
Eastern meadowlark
American kestrel
Belted kingfisher
Northern harrier
Western meadowlark
Yellow-headed blackbird
Tree swallow
House sparrow
Western grebe
American white pelican
Black tern
American coot
American avocet
Eurasian collared-dove
Lark sparrow
Franklin's gull
Gray catbird (heard)
Brewer's blackbird
Black-billed magpie
Prairie falcon
Long-billed curlew
Ferruginous hawk
Mountain bluebird
California quail
Cedar waxwing
Ring-necked pheasant
Western scrub-jay
Snow goose
Northern spring peeper (heard)
Green frog (heard)
Gray tree frog (heard)
American toad (heard)
Mink frog (heard)
Common snapping turtle
Eastern box turtle
Painted turtle
Common garter snake
There were also several birds, a few snakes and some small rodents which I failed to identify. On my next trip I will definitely bring a small pair of binoculars, despite the extra weight. There were days on the plains when spotting birds, and trying to identify them, certainly helped relieve the monotony.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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